Here are some questions and answers or links to more information.  If you have any better or different information that should be included, please let us know.  As you learn more about triathlon or the individual sports, you will find that everyone has an opinion.  None fit everyone or every situation.

Where are members located?

Primarily Metro Detroit, but we also have members in a few other states, as well as Germany, Belgium, Japan, and Canada.  For a map of the current member base:  MAP

Why should I join?

This answer can be different for every person.  Some of the most common ones are: camaraderie, new training partners, discounts, “I’ve never done a triathlon and I need some serious help”, “I do lots of triathlons therefore I need some SERIOUS help”.  Whatever YOUR specific reason, we are a great place to nurture your love of triathlon in a non-threatening environment.  Don't be afraid to get involved, ask questions, come to training events.  If you're just starting out or looking to get faster or go farther, we have plenty of people with experience that can help you or point you in the right direction.

When/Where do you meet?

The monthly meeting is TYPICALLY held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  On extremely rare occasions this may get moved for special events.  The best way to know when we’re meeting this month is to check the calendar.  The majority of meetings happen at Rochester Mills Beer Co, but we have meetings all over Metro Detroit.  Again, the best way to know where we’re meeting this month is to check the calendar.

When/where do you Train?

When the Triathlon Club began, its roots were on the "East-side" of Metro Detroit, and while there are still plenty of members in that area we have expanded all over Metro Detroit, thus our training locations are the same.  Stony Creek is always popular, as are Kensington and Island Lake - which are all great for bike training off the main roads and also offer good open water swimming.  Belle Isle is also popular with club members and offers a great 6 mile bike loop, nice running, and a nice beach for open water swimming. Running might be a bit more flexible and one of our favorite routes is around the "Heart of the Hills" course in Bloomfield Hills.  We are always adding and changing training spots and always looking to add more - so if you are willing to lead out, please let us know.  A good spot to find our training is on the calendar page or on the Facebook Group page.

Where do I get some of that cool club gear that I see all over the race courses?

Club gear can be purchased at general meetings or through special arrangements with Steve Szuber (for men) and Sandra Leonard (for women).  Check HERE for more info.

Why didn’t I receive a membership card when I signed up?

As a matter of fact, you did!  The membership card is now electronically generated and stored on the Race Reach site.  You may access directly at or on this website at the membership page.

Where can I find the discount code for X company?

Discount codes are in the welcome letter.  This is located in the “Members Only” area of the Race Reach site or on this website at the membership page - if you are signed in, you will see your membership card and below that a letter with all the partners and specific codes you may need.

I found a discount online for X company.  Why should I use the club discount?

Our partners are able to track our club involvement with their company by the usage of our discount.  The more we use the discount, the more they want to do business with our club.  So we all win.  Most of the time our discount is the same or larger than the one you found online.  Also, we highly encouraged members to use our local partners before heading online, and thus supporting those that support us.

Where is the best place to buy ____?

Obviously our club partners are a great place to start!  We try and take on sponsors across all areas of triathlon (Swimming / Biking / Running / Nutrition / General Lifestyle).  For a complete list of our sponsors, check your welcome letter located in the "Members Only" area of the Race Reach site or on this website at the membership page.

Where can I report my race results?


My race was ONLY a 5k and I was really slow.  Why should I report that?

The reason for reporting race results is twofold.  First, we want to celebrate all of our member’s accomplishments.  It may not have been the fastest 5k in the world, but it was your 5k, and we want to celebrate that!  Second, we compile a list of all the races our members compete in and give this to our sponsors and prospective sponsors to show them how active our club is in races and the community.  This helps us get club discounts, jersey sponsors, etc…  So we all win by you recording your race results.

I want to go to a training event but I’m too slow / can’t go as far as everyone else.

You’d be surprised how many people in this club run / bike / swim your pace!  Most of the club sponsored training events are of the “no drop” variety, meaning we all finish at the same time.  And when club members post a workout, even if you can’t do ALL of the workout they have planned, having company for SOME of the workout makes it less daunting.  And the nice thing about distraction is you may surprise yourself by going further / faster than you thought you could.

What is expected of me?

When becoming a member of IMTC there is an unspoken understanding and commitment to uphold the highest level of respect for yourself, your teammates, and all other racing participants; especially when wearing our team colors.  We are positive members of the racing community, here to provide leadership and a sense of camaraderie in our sport.  We compete against ourselves, not each other.  This has always been first and foremost in our team.

If I have a problem or concern, who do I talk to?

Anyone on the board wants to hear your concern and help to resolve in any way possible.  Please contact a board member with your questions.  

How do I help and/or get more involved?

Come to a meeting, training event, or social function and meet some of the other members.  Talk with a board member and we'll point you in the right direction.  Everything we do is by 100% volunteerism, so any help you can lend is greatly appreciated.

Where can i find more triathlon info?

Stats and Analysis:

Training plans:

Sprint, Olympic, Half Iron Training Plans:

Ironman - something many of us have used:  BeIronFit          

Hal Higdon 5K
Hal Higdon 10K
Hal Higdon 13.1
Hal Higdon 26.2